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To you whose memory is weakening

Writer's picture: Valérie AlbertValérie Albert

I worked in the psychogeriatric care unit for elderly people suffering from mental or psychological disorders , in Bélid at the HUG in Geneva.

I dedicate this text to people suffering from cognitive disorders and their family caregivers, as well as to the health professionals who support them.

I wish you remembered

I would like you to remember what unites us beyond words.

Of this little something from nothing at all that gave meaning to life, to my life at your side.

You know......its touches of our fingers, of our hands which touch, brush against each other, attach, untie. These moments stolen from the passing of time, from the time that slips away between the wrinkles on our faces.

I would like you to remember our luminous, deep gazes, charged with the bond that united us and binds us forever, for eternity.

Today, I no longer find the trace of the answers that you offered me when I abandoned myself in your eyes, when I lost my way, when your presence and your gaze supported my inner journeys.

I would like you to remember, where you live at the moment, in this singular, troubling world, where I have difficulty meeting you, that I am here. I never stopped being there, at the center of both of us.

You are no longer like before and you offer me the present of remembering more deeply the beauty of our heartfelt impulses.

You lead me to the requirement to honor the trace of our bond, to return to you, rich in these Soul offerings..happy.

I promise to start life today by your side in the silence of your gaze which reveals the forgotten words, in the absences linked to this illness which make our encounters so magical, so precious.

The living memory has gone to the depths of your soul to rest to give way to an eternity renewed every second.

There is nothing left to prove, no more goals, no more expectations, no more beliefs, no more regrets because everything is new.

Thank you for bringing me back to the humility of being alive, to the joy of vibrating to the welling of our carefree children's hearts.

It is time to get up to watch the birdsong together, to hear the rustle of the sun's rays, to feel the warmth of our hands as they uncover.

Wherever you are,

I'll join you, I'm coming.

See you now, See you now, Forever

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